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Our Bio

The international band Rise’n’Shine is a collaboration of musicians from East Africa and Europe. All musicians have worked already in different genres of music focusing on Afrobeats and Reggae. Rise’n’Shine has shared stages in their hometown Mwanza with artists like Hardmad, Damian Soul and Dabo Mtanzania. Besides pushing live music in Mwanza the band played on several international festivals like the International Reggae Festival in Zanzibar and Jinja (Uganda) and Bagamoyo International Festival of Arts and culture. 2021 and 2022 the band organized a series of festivals called Cancer Awareness Africa Festival that made bbc Swahili showing a documentary about the band. Rise’n’Shine songs and their performances combine enjoyable and danceable music with a strong message. Since 2020 the band creates we care songs in collaboration with international organizations. In 2022 the band got active in building climate resilience using the two songs ’Our House Our World’ and ’Water for All’. The song ’War is a business’ won an international song contest with Mission one World in 2021, In January 2023 the band won the Kukaya Moto Awards for the band engagement in building society.

Our Music

Our latest release

The latest song is a viby Afrobeat as part of our series Rise’n’Shine playing for change. The song Water for All – Maji kwa Wote is a song about rural water access and water administration in East Africa. Rise’n’Shine cooperated with the German Organization “Mazi kwa woshe” to write a song that strengthens the identification of rural water users with their water organization.

Water for allRise'n'Shine
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Live Video: Best of Bagamoyo Festival of Arts and Culture

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Media Review and Achievements

´Your performance was viby and at the same time touching!

The song about cancer made me reflect on my children’s health,

it was very strong how you sing about this topic!´

(Playing for Change @ Bagamoyo Festival Nov. 2022,

Member of staff of the Ministry of Information,

Culture, Arts and Sports, Tanzania)


The big media attention came when Rise’n’Shine started to get engaged in awareness building on health, climate change, and social togetherness. When the band conducted the first Cancer Awareness Africa Festival in Tanga in 2022 (CAAF - Tamasha la ufahamu wa saratani kwa Watoto) media like BBC and Deutsche Welle started to report about the initiative of the band.

Anyway, since the band started in 2019 ETV Uganda broadcasted the show of the International Reggae Festival on the Nile 2019 at ETV Uganda (starting from 14:12min).

TV stations and radio stations that invited Rise´n´Shine for shows and interview are in particular Star TV and Radio Free Africa. Rise´n´Shine was invited to the 5 o’clock show and did the Reggae Ragga Vibes Show with Dimosso.

The releases of `Be with you` and `Water for all` were covered by a variety of TV stations and radios. Here you find the link to the Saturday Evening News of the TBC.



The song `War is a business` won an international song contest with Mission One World in 2021.


The band won the Kukaya Moto Awards 2022 for the band engagement in building society.

Contact Us



Social Media Links

Barabara ya mfuko, Kiseke

Mwanza, Tanzania




Band Leader +255 685 355 688

Musical Director +255 657 800 139

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